Question for you guys having winds today between 16-25 mph Deer movement has slowed drastically last couple of days is it worth sitting in these winds today or waiting till this passes and the winds are back to 6-8mph tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That was about the wind speed I️ was in last week when I️ got a shot at a big 8 Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I will say here in SW ohio, sure seems like the lockdown is on. Movement went from being CRAZY last Friday to seeing 1/3 of the movement Tuesday. Hoping this weekend will be better.
How’s the action in jersey Vermont? I’m heading there in about 30 minutes for an evening sit Sent from my iPhone using Forums
It will be cause they will be running scared with the kids out in the Orange Army Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I feel like 10-20 mph wind can be good. Above that, things can slow down. Your chances are better if you're hunting
Out of the woods , had a deer come threw some thick stuff , looked to have horns . Will be back at it this afternoon.
Good luck everybody that's out there. This is my day, like watching paint dry. Be out in am tho. Can't decide if wanna take bow or try shotgun now that have the option ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
5 doe came from the SE, directly down wind - wasn't expecting that. All within 20 yards. 1 had nose up, stand makes small creek, 4 deer run north and 1 runs east and circles to them. 15 minutes later, 7 does come from the north. No bucks. Just heard big branch snap.