Morning everyone. Saw two Does already this morning. Ground is wet, been raining all night and it just stopped. Should get them on their feet feeding. Just finished a rattling, grunting, bleating sequence. Time will tell. Good ground for a mid day stalk!
Settled in. Almost went back to bed, overslept, couldn't get me act together when getting ready and then couldn't find my darn light. Running late so changed plans on where to sit based on how far the walk is. Might work out though, over the last 5 seasons this has been the most consistent stand on my property. Good luck to all. Last day here before gun season and I've got to go back to work Tuesday. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Up in the stand , very foggy this morning. Wiil not hear one walking here this morning. Good luck to those that out this morning.
This is the view from the fence line spot I hunt. I'm going to sit here an hour, maybe 2 and then move I think. Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk
Praying for a similar result. Will see you all later, very spotty connection going forward. I wish everyone here the best of luck and hope u all kill something big. Check in as soon as I can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Yeah does sound like perfect conditions for some still hunting!!! Nothing like going to them and making it happen! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Those pictures just scream deer country!!! I have a feeling there’s gonna be some big boys dropping today!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back to where I was yesterday afternoon. Got busted in the dark, heard something coming and it walked right into me. Blew one time and trotted off, good times!
Well unless the wind dies down I won’t be out today Right now blowing at 20 mph and gusts to 30 Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Again, lone doe comes through with no boyfriend. Passed at 10 yards. Getting tired of letting critters walk by like that, just sayin
Spike just came by .Looking for his granddaddy. Beautiful morning so far light breeze. Fog is lifting nicely.
Well 5 Does so far. Don't know how much I can take before I pull the trigger on one. You would figure a buck would be tailing one of them but nothing yet.
Doe wonders by me today I'm gonna let one fly. Only problem is I haven't seen an adult doe in 5 or 6 days now. Nothing but mostly young bucks running around. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Out with the shotgun. Possible all day sit in stand I saw big 10 on October 1. Nobody's hunted stand since the.
Since vultures got to my buck before I did, and, because I have not gotten a doe yet this year, no doe is safe the next time I am out. I don't care if its November. My freezer needs meat. I should be out for Saturday evening.
Good luck everyone that is out or can be out, no archery until the 2nd day of rifle season which is on 11/27/17. the first day i'll be with my daughter and caring the rifle. I'll be caring my bow from the 2nd day til the end of season. I'm headed to the STEELER game tonight against Titans!!!!!! HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!