One day left before gun... do I sit down by where I seen moose and will most likely not see him again? Do I sit down by the big scrape where 4-5 trails intersect? Do I sit down by the fence where I seen the big drop and has more deer sign than anywhere I hunt? what to do what to do... (the part I hate about hunting lol)
Making that decision is pure torture! Tomorrow has been a great day for me over the years, but my killing tree is out due to wind direction. I've been trying to figure that out all evening. And probably won't make an actual decision until I pull up on the land
Kinda what Im thinking.. the thing is I think the fence is really good super early for like an hr or 2 and then I may pick up and move to where I seen moose or to the big scrape as I see most movement there around 8:30-9:30.. the only thing about the fence is I have only ever hunted there 1 time. So I dont know their movement there like I do the other spots.
It is Febs.. I lose sleep over it lol Best of luck to ya in the am.. I hope you pick the golden spot!
I'm out until the weekend. Thank You though! Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Well, the weather looks pretty good, so I'll be hitting the woods for an all dayer. Cloudy, light wind (for now), and the overnight showers will have left the woods damp for a totally silent entry. I'm off to Wawa for a coffee to drink on my way to the happy hunting grounds. Hope to see some rutting deer on the way. Good luck out there for those of us lucky enough to hunt today.