Yea I think its is around here too, just havent been seeing much in stand. Kinda got limited to spots to sit since livestock moved around farm. Been seeing them on road tho. Just had little fork horn cruise right by tho. Did exactly what need them to do just not what looking for. He was right there 15 yards from base of tree. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Ended up having a fawn come by at about 5:08. Not sure if doe or buck. That was it. Back at the truck. You guys be safe I'll catch up after I get home. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Sat till 4pm and it started pouring Didn’t see anything after 8:30 this morning Going in to the hospital for the morning then head out for the evening Weather looks horrible for the weekend here in Ohio Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sat till 4pm and it started pouring Didn’t see anything after 8:30 this morning Going in to the hospital for the morning then head out for the evening Weather looks horrible for the weekend here in Ohio Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Can't complain about this afternoon. Passed on a couple of does and a six pointer which isn't bad for this property. Tomorrow's the last shot before the gun season on Friday. Northwest wind tomorrow is killing me though, not sure what the hell I'm gonna do
Well, toughh and strange night. Wife was with me in my stand. She missed a 6 point at 40 yrs, said he just trotted off no worries. She then shot at a doe a bit later, thought she limped off, saw her again limping. Couldn't find either arrow and no blood at all. I was on the ground. I decided I was gonna take a doe if they came across after I had 4 within 15 yds before they blew and ran. Had 4 or 5 come back about an hour later. Picked my doe at 35 yds. She moved as I shot, thought I hit her back in the belly or hips. They all scattered, tough to see exactly how she reacted. Thought I saw her run to the edge. Look back a couple of minutes later and there is a doe just standing there at the same place. I thought maybe I hit her and she was too stunned to move?? So I took a shot at her on a walk and shot over her back. She bolted. Then had another doe walk in to 60 and just watch me. Only recovered 1 of 2 arrows, though both lighted knocks went off. Not a speck of blood on what I think was the first shot. Looked for a solid hour for blood and the other arrow. No blood where they would have had to cross the fence either. Very strange and frustrating night. Lost 3 arrows and no deer between the two of us. At least my wife had fun, first time she has ever seen the rut in person. Gonna shoot my bow Friday morning and make sure nothing is off on my sights. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Know how your Dad feels! I did the same thing to a nice 10 last week. Bunch of hair on the ground and some fat on my broadhead but not a single drop of blood...
good news! yet another giant shows in my area. looks like upper 150"to 160" clean 10 pt. 5yds from my stand. this is going to be an exciting off season for sure. I now have at least 4 - 4.5yr olds and one or two 5.5 yr olds. depending if they make it through. I'm sure they won't get them all.
Looks like he has a split brow on left side, thought it was tree or limb in background but it shows in both photos. One more year and he is gonna be something special. Good luck keeping inventory
So close yet so far...but that's hunting. Hopefully you see that 10 again and with any luck my dad will get another shot! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
cls good eye. I looked at a few more photos of him and you are right, his left brow is split. I pulled all my stands and cams yesterday gearing up for the orange army. once they are done my cams will go back out. yes these are all public within 10 yds from my stand.