Headed out to the stand, 64 degrees in the middle of November...WTH? Not sure how it's going to go this morning but ain't gonna kill anything from my bed at home... Congrats guys and gal on the nice bucks yesterday! Twitch, that's a nice one. Looks similar to the one I missed last week. Westfinger, congrats to the GF! Good stuff
Last full day of school and then I will be in the mountains of Montana which I cannot wait for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Congrats on the bucks guys, and young lady! I will again be live from work following along! Good luck out there! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Safe travels! Looking forward to following along your hunt as always! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another member who had an iffy shot on a buck, had to back out then went out on his track. Found it but never posted about it here leaving us all hanging in limbo, one of his teammates had to post in here about it being posted in the team thread. He will not be on any Life cereal boxes anytime soon.
I appreciate that brother! But we have really crappy weather here today. I HATE windy days. I'm in the dilapidated barn, out of the wind and rain at least. I did just see a couple deer though, a good sign. This is actually a good setup. I have great views and if a buck is cruising, chances are he'll pass by. Pulling that off, would be epic!
I guarantee, that I will NEVER leave anyone hanging on here while tracking a deer. It just might be worse than not finding the deer...................
I'm hoping to be in the stand this afternoon. Wind is supposed to switch and be favorable for me this evening. After this evening, I won't be out until the weekend with our oldest trying to get his gun tag filled.