Congrats twitch! Where I hunt, that's a 1 in 10-20 year buck and I'd put it on the wall! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
Congrats to Westfinger's GF! Beautiful buck! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
Sounds like you did what you could dan. Nobody likes losing a hit deer but they are tough critters and a mile is a long way to go. We have all been to that low point so keep your head up and make the next shot count. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
Yes it is a long ways. I never bumped that deer. It just crazy. I can't believe I botched a 10 yard shot. I rushed it and it definitely is a tough one to swallow. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I️ feel ya dan!!! I️ had the same thing last week I️ wish I️ could say the sting goes away lol I️t just takes time! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Congrats to the other successful hunters today! I was grunting with a buck that I couldn't see for over an hour and he wouldn't come find me. That's when I noticed some does and a couple small bucks in the field behind me. I found them in my binos and let out a couple grunts and after a little bit this 6 (or 7 maybe) came in. I was really wanting to hold out for a bigger buck, but I knew I was gonna get loaded with work, plus life in general, and I thought it was cool that I called him in. I'm still young..sort of..there will be more opportunities for trophies. North Country Sausage and Pepper Sticks, yum yum! Oh and the shot was 13 yards quartering away. One and done...dead within 70 yards. Clipped a lung, straight through the middle of the heart. 63 pound Synergy Easton FMJ D6 Ramcat Diamondback Btw...i cleaned the broadhead and it looks like it just came out of the package. Very sharp, very straight. I am VERY impressed! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Excellent shot R22! Put it on the broadheads results feed. Congrats on an awesome deer! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
You never forget the ones that break your heart... As alen said, it just takes time... We all remember the ones we screwed up (in life and in deer hunting)... I'll be the first to drink to that! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Forums mobile app
Headed back to NJ for 5 days. The Rut is in full swing. I've seen pics of all kinds of nice bucks coming out of the state for the last week and all signs say the bucks are still chasing, locking down and then chasing again. Something's going down!!! Should be in stand by 1400hrs for an afternoon sit then all day sits/stalks the next three days and a morning-mid day hunt Sunday before heading back. My last really good chance for something decent! See ya out there.
The rut is either going to happen this morning in the woods or when I get home. Either way I win Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
On the road Rain coming this afternoon Good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Forums