I had one deer sighting early this morning and that was it, strangely quiet today. Tomorrow looks like storms in the morning, and some scattered rain throughout the day. Yep, I'll be hunting
Definitely going in the pm haven't decided for the am don't have a spot I can keep dry if it's raining
Just talked to the guy we lease the land from and he said the farmers equipment broke down Sunday when he was harvesting the hay so he is gonna be in there tomorrow evening harvesting it... when I️ was gonna be out hunting, probably won’t be able to get out until Friday now ughhh Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Is that good or bad? Haha, I'm actually gonna hide my truck and myself in an old building out there and wait out the worst of it. I can even hunt out one side of it, deer pass right by this thing.
A lot of it should just be showers, here is that models projected rainfall through noon. Alwats subject to change if course as it is the weather. This is over the 18 hours beginning at 6pm tonight
Exactly, deer are tolerant of farm equipment. Hell, old farm trucks on a daily routine don't even make them lift their head anymore, send a chevy 1500 in place of that old Dodge and watch them scatter though. Juat have to figure out what role that field would play in their routine, and what would they have to do if it wasn't accessible. Go around it, stage up on the edges of it or hit up another area.
Well 2 minutes before sundown. This fella came 20 yards broadside and the GF made a great shot. This is her 2nd deer ever and 1st with the crossbow. It was the only deer we seen all day. She’s happy, I’m happy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well guys hate to say it but I don't think that deer is dead. We literally followed blood for a mile and he never bedded down or looked like he stopped. I'm at a loss here. Found some lung blood so i think in only got 1 lung. Found a little frothy bubbly spots on 2 leaves. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Unfortunately illegal in Iowa but I truly believe he's still alive. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk