Opening day in Nebraska. I am live from the stand!! Sent from my VS500 using Forums mobile app
You all have to post some pictures!!! So those of us who can't hunt yet can see!!!! Good luck to ya fellas Mike4christ
No deer yet but I took a pot shot at a coyote and missed. Sent from my VS500 using Forums mobile app
Apparently those shoes work she's got deer all around her. Count me in where can I get some of this colorful shoe laces Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Opening day today! On my way to the stand drizzling rain and temps drop 15-20 Gonna have to sit in the rain a bit but who cares its first day! Hope i get a shot off on a velvet buck!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Boys i put an arrow in him and then made a mistake i knew better then to do i got down and walked to the point of impact cause he ran off, didn c my arow so i walkd 10-15 yard in his direction and bummped him out of a bed only 40-45 yards from the shot. I know i know shewr me all u will but I thought he ran farther so i figure he hurtin bad how long should i leave him hour? Shot looked a touch back but im using the big nap killzones what you think? I need help Sent from my iPhone using Forums
If you think you hit far enough back for a gut shot give him 12 hours. If you have good blood and it's dark red then that's liver and I would give him at least a couple hours. I hope he didn't run too far on the bump. Did you find your arrow? Sent from my VS500 using Forums mobile app
I dnt think he did first shot the tail was tuckd , bump he had his tail up. It lookd back of ribcage to me but i may b wrong. Figured id give him a couple hours Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Have a picture of blood on the arrow or on ground at impact. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Almost sounds like liver shot because he bedded right away. That's just my guess. But no matter what I would give it as many hours as you can. If a liver shot he could die right away or live for many hours. Just be patient and wait, the best thing you can do at this point. Try to replay the shot in your mind and remember were you hit.
I backd out of ther and ther wont b much blood it finally quit rainin now so ill keep you posted on what happens but i think i got pry the back of his lungs an liver so wer gonna give him awhile warm up and go back out Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ok good plan! We are all here to help you! Charge your phone so you can bring us with you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wait till at least 11am. Was he broadside or quartering away? How high were you? How close was he? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk