Me waiting on the Ohio opener. (I thought this might be funny. What's funnier is I about flipped off the back of my chair while trying to take the picture. Always wear a safety harness boys and girls!) Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm with ya buddy!!! For some reason this season has me more excited then ever!! Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
A nice muggy Ga morning, 69 degrees and 100% humidity Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Looks like a nice spot that you have set up... Planning to get out next week when the weather cools a bit for us up here.
Cool deal. We're pretty close. Good luck sat. Don't let the heat keep you away. Sent from my VS985 4G using Forums mobile app
It's awesome out!! 90+ degrees with humidity to boot and a stiff south wind!!! Woo Hoo, bow season!!! Supposed to cool off next week. Might be able to give it a shot then.