Not a bow shot, but I took my nephew hunting during MI youth hunt this past weekend. He dropped a doe at 30 yards-his first deer ever!
Not me. I have to go teach algebra. Sure wish we could move summer vacation to September, October, and November.
Yeah....I tried and barley eeked by with a D...Not good in college so I switched majors. There are some really smart guys on this forum who can help you!!! They helped me quite a bit!
Haha I suppose. Would make hunting much less stressful that's for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Always thought all that algebra functions and calculus was a waste of time. I haven't used one bit of it since college. Everyday life doesn't require it. Schools should replace those classes with classes for things you need to know in life. Ex. How to read a tape measure, how to change a tire on a car, how to hang a picture on the wall. Most of all a common sense class. Just a thought.
The people who make a living using algebra and calculus earn a lot more than the people who enter the numbers into a machine. By becoming a teacher instead of an electrical engineer I left at least a million dollars of income over a 40 year career on the table. I agree about teaching the practical skills too. Not everybody needs a 4 year degree. Being a tradesman is a respectable way to make a living too. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Hey that reminds me! Dream job to have sufficient time and money to hunt? Essentially, if you could do anything what direction would you go. Yes, highly personal, but just curious.
Pretty happy with my career choice so far, I just started but being a loan officer is pretty awesome, I get to work whatever hours I want and can work from home most days. Only downside is that I'm pretty much always on call, not that I have to answer right then and there but I do have to get back to people within a reasonable time. That being said though I am looking forward to getting to hunt any morning I want this fall, evenings will be harder to come by since that will be when I am working with most clients Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had a professor that liked to use the phrase, "as is painfully obvious to even the most casual observer." That's how I learned that the painfully obvious is usually just painful. Shane, just pick something you are going to love doing most days. As a wise man once said, the difference between the prisoner and the gold miner is the reason they're breaking the rocks. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
If you need help I would be more than willing to help out! Did basically every math course in the book! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Welcome everyone to official live on the class room lol Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Hold on ill ask my son he is in first grade now. He should know the answer. I wanted to own my own business so I could have more time to hunt. so that's what I'm doing and haven't regretted it since. Couldn't imagine having to ask for a day off and get declined the time. Especially when you're onto a good buck that's currently working your area.