Just shot a doe, with the heavy rain coming down and how thick the brush is around me I didn't see her go down. Shot looked good. Going to stay in stand coz I still have my buck tag.
Way to go send a pic when u get a chance hope u can still find her with all the rain washing the blood away Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Looks like a grid search for me, decided to get down and the arrow was washed clean, flipped it over and it had a lot of medium red blood. Looked around our to about 50ft in the direction it went and no blood. The rain is coming down fast. Bk in the stand and going to start the search when the rain stops or slows down a lot.
Just finished up my first ever bowhunt. Didn't see anything but still had a good time. Definitely need to bring a foot peg to hold my bow next time Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ok going to start my search. The weather changed again and now says 100% rain until 2pm. Will post my findings.
A screw in bow hanger works a little better than a foot peg IMO. It puts your bow further off the tree where you won't have to turn so far around to grab it. Congrats on the first bow hunt. Won't be long and you will be wanting to sell your guns to go straight bow! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Yea I'm pretty excited for that week, except my dad informed me that a bear rug costs roughly 1000 lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing not a trace of blood anywhere. I hate to say this but I'm calling it. I covered about 300yds in every direction. With how dense the growth is I could have been feet away and not known. I am going to dry my clothes and hunt another property since the rain has now stopped.
... That's rough. I think you need to get back out there with dry clothes and keep looking. Get in the thick stuff and keep looking.
I would have to agree as a friend to all, you have to think to yourself. Is that deers life only worth 3 hours? What I do is look at the direct after the shot they went find the closest trail and follow that trail. If that doesn't work head toward water Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Is a blood trailing dog an option? Any trails in the direction the deer ran? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
No hunting for me this AM...something about rain storms, thunder, lightning & being in a tree that didn't excite me a whole lot...at it now...trail cams have been showing 1-5 deer in the food plot. Little windier than i would care for, but guess i will seeb what shows! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Well just hit me first doe of the year but she saw me and I rushed my shot and hit her in the guts going to leave her for awhile Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums