Heading out in 15 minutes. 42 degrees, feels like 37 according to the weather app. Will be in my backup stand since my best one is not good for this north wind. It rained most of the night, so the constant smoke from all the fires in the state has cleared up quite a bit. Definitely gonna enjoy the morning with my Creator.
had a great morning so far saw 3 does and a deer that wake right under my stand but was to dark to see the neighbors dog scared off the does so I couldn't get a shot starting to storm now tho so might have to head home come back out tonight if I get the chance Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I can't seem to do much right his weekend. Drove 20 minutes to my spot and went to dress and realized I'd left my camo top in the bag at my brothers house. It had my gloves and mask in the pockets. So, here I sit in a short sleeve camo T shirt. Well, at least I'm not hot and sweaty this mosquitoes are going to be tough though.
Hot muggy 75 degrees and nothing moving here on my opening morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My stomach is growling like crazy!! Lol time for a nutra grain bar. Anybody bring any good snacks? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had a set of that Predator Deception green before I lost weight. IMHO it is the best early season camo there is. Good luck today. Blessings........Pastorjim
Season opener!! Was out an hour before dawn, acorns dropping like no tomorrow...a few pinged off the gate & startled me! Lol had one deer come through early but no idea if there was head gear. Only got down to 65* last night. Was hoping for a but cooler Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
About 58 degrees this morning down here in the valley on this food plot lots of does and a few good bucks been hitting it when i checked camera last weekend!! Also turkey and ill bag one if i get the chance... Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Just had a doe come in & then a jay decided to open his beak! Lol Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
Thats not good but even seeing something is better than nothing for the kids! Good luck! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk