Go get them Finny! That sucks about the doe. I know its a punch to your confidence. Just keep at it, it will happen!
The woods are full of deer this morning in central NJ. So far, since 0615 I've seen a Doe and fawn at first light, then a spike and another Doe came in, then a fawn came in. When the little bugger left it was bleating with every step and I noticed 2 more Doe moving across behind me. This is why I come to NJ. Even when I'm not harvesting a deer it's a blast to watch them and all their behaviors. Oh, and of course, there are some BIG Bucks here. Can't wait till my October and November trips.
No bucks today. My first NJ hunt is done. Be back for 5 days in October and 5 more in November. Those hunts I'll be looking for a decent buck for myself and the contest. Then maybe 5 more around NewYears for the kids to shoot some deer. Grace is 12 and James is 10. NJ is a great place for them to have an opportunity to harvest a deer from a ground blind with the crossbow.
Where are my people in the stand!? I need live feed for 15 more days! Get out there people lol Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Nice...and not nice about no Sunday hunting. Virginia finally changed a few years ago to allow it on private property. Decent compromise. I for one don't mind if people in Virginia want to hike public land without thoughts of having to possibly run into hunters on a Sunday.
I agree, let private land hunt anytime on Sundays and keep public no Sundays. A few county's did open up Sunday hunting til 10. At least it's a step in the right direction. But not were I hunt, but I do get 2 Sunday this year!
I wasn't going to. Today is opening day in Connecticut. But it's 80°, and it'll take me about four hours from gutting the deer to getting it on ice. Same thing for tomorrow. However I was just recently inspired by one of my good buddies ( screen name Smitty0220), so I will be heading out tomorrow morning from my first sit of the year. Just to take in the sunrise and the woods coming to life, Because that is what it's truly all about!! To quote Ozzy Osbourne, "let the madness begin!" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hmmmm... A very awkward North/Northeast wind is predicted for tomorrow. Which is kind of perfect for my buck killing spot, that is reserved for this particular wind. It's go time!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk