That is the closest I have ever been to a deer on the ground. 3 yards when the spike crossed. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Well no dice tonight. Saw a doe at 50 yards and 5 min later a small 6 point following her tracks. Highlight of the evening was a cat at 20 yards for about 15 minutes. Lil fella did manage to catch a mouse or something though.
7 different bucks and four does spotted this evening. I'd say it's a good food plot! Still waiting for the ol man to make an appearance.... maybe this weekend? Just started sprinkling now too! Great timing! Just got back to the truck! Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
nothing tonight. I think I am going to go back to the big woods and hunt. seems to be much easier for me. this farmland hunting is for the birds. I can't get deer to do the same thing 2 days in a row. very irratic. at least big woods deer are patternable.
Well I won’t be out tomorrow it’s supposed to rain in the morning but i should be able to get out a good bit this week! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Not sure whether to ask if the bank foreclosed, or just comment about the waste of a good tavern. At least as a tavern it was a respectable business (and I'm a tea to totaler ).
Started real slow for me. A button buck about half way through the sit. As the sun started to set 2 Eight’s (1.5 & 2.5 yrs) came out and worked the area. As soon as the lights turned out they started piling in with 4-5 does and a couple of more bucks. The later bucks had bigger bodies. It that was about all I could make out in the low light. They are interested in the girls and had a little sparring in the dark. Maybe tomorrow they will come out with a little more light. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey bud i jus drove thru columbia toda and also last friday the temp change a rain not do anythin? I know i seen quite a few bucks along the highway dead thru that area kinda surprised me.. seems like the weather would have help you Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I think it’s the hunting pressure. I’m a friend of the family and 3 of the grandkids hunt the farm and they do nothing for sent control and go in and out like they are trying to wake the dead.
BBD for ****ie tunes tonight. Recovery in the AM. He sent me the pics of which deer it was and it's a dandy. My other buddy bumped a "near 170 I'd say" out right underneath his stand walking in tonight. Things are heating up guys. Halloween weekend is coming. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Just saw a super nice 140-150 on the side of the highway. Not smashed.....yet Sent from my iPhone using Forums