Two fisherman just walked by me. Saw my shooting lanes and I could here them say that someone must be hunting around here. They never saw me. Hahaha. Hope they push some deer my way.
Well, that certainly was a bust. Land owner started working heavy machinery 150 yards from me an hour after shooting light. Going to put up a camera on the way out. Check it in 3 weeks.
Morning report: Could have taken two with my Chevy, I let them walk. Bumped a deer walking in, again, was nice enough to give me the tail wave as it left. Farmer cut top bean field. Got into stand and had 2 5,000pt deer walking below me, couldn’t see them at all though, maybe raccoons, I’ll go with my first assessment. Planning on sitting for about two more hours, pulled cards and 3 bucks still hanging out are coming around noon, but I’m taking my son to boo in the zoo this afternoon so I can’t hang out all day. Haven’t seen anything in daylight yet, might move over to watch the field for the last two hours. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
So far only seen 2 racoons in the morning and a noce looking fox a moment ago niece is sleeping must not be used to getting up at 5am Ill keep watch for her going to give it another hour then ill bring her to eat and watch the vikings game. Will be hunting a better blind tonight didnt want to get there in the morning because its hard to get to without spooking the deer.
I’m out. Didn’t see anything else but going to move some stands then will be back in the woods this afternoon.
Went live from the pond earlier. Makes me wonder if I would have had similar luck in the stand. I'll never know... Knife is 8"
Well I got pictures of someone going Into my treestand and I talked to the landowner and he says they shot two this week, and we need to take our stands off his property good private land is hard to come by these today Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well I got pictures of someone going Into my treestand and I talked to the landowner and he says they shot two this week, and we need to take our stands off his property good private land is hard to come by these today Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Front moved through early this morning. Muzzle loader season opener was yesterday. Worked this morning the decided to hit the ground blind for a few hours mid day before working tonight. Rain has stopped sun is coming out. Maybe they will move mid day is my thoughts. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting this afternoon.
I'm in the stand. Last sit in NJ before heading back to VT. I've seen lots of Does. One small 5 pt. The big boys are no where to be seen yet. Maybe this evening is the one. 75, sunny, windy. Good luck everyone!!!
Well finally made it out to the woods. First sit of year, cooled down alot rrom yesterday but it is raining little. See what happens. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk