Live from the blind. Lease in Montana turned out far better than I could dreamt then hurricane Irma cut my hunt short. Only got a Yote so Tag stew for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I called it too. Great sit in the woods, nice temps and good breeze, just not where the deer were today.
Just waiting now, killed a deer out of this exact tree a couple years ago. I'm right up against the swamp should hear them coming splish splash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck everyone, I had to work this morning but now in the stand. I have does on camera starting about 7 pm hopefully them come again tonight. Semper Fi
My dad is about 100 yards away from me and his camera was showing a lot of activity from 4-dark so hopefully he gets a crack at something !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just got setup, over looking a bean field. New farm and first evening sit, this should be good! Good luck to you other guys out tonight!
I hope so! I'm looking for doe or buck, maybe both if I'm lucky. You heading to MD this year to hunt?
Just had a small velvet spike sneak up behind me. I was in a bad position on stand and had to hold it for 10 minutes, that was rough. Nice to see first deer of the season!