In the ground blind. Been here since 5:30 beautiful cool morning. Opening day of NJ. Saw a basket 8 and a spike when I pulled the truck in. Bumped two about 100ds from my spot. Just sitting and waiting. Watching the birds and the sun come up.
doe closing the distance needs to come about 100 yards yet!! Get ready boys!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck to everyone today!! Ive got work to do and its nasty stinky work and id much rather be hunting Sent from my iPhone using Forums
About to head out to my spot in northern Kentucky to do some food plot work and hopefully get an evening sit in... been out once so far this year and had a doe and fawn feeding about 20 feet in front of me... good luck to everyone!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I love this. Got up early, walked ten yards to my set up...the coffee maker...and settled in to keep a sharp eye out for new posts from all you lucky SOBs from my perch on the couch. Till next week that is my new thread. Live from the couch. SMDH. Seriously tho congrats to those putting em down and good luck to those out doing it. Sent from my SM-G935V using Forums mobile app
Got down for the morning. That was the best hunting morning I've ever had, gonna eat and move dads stand a little then I'll be back in the tree for the evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk