Gonna try it this am. The boys hockey has us busy most of the weekend. Cold front comes through Saturday evening. Hopefully be back out Sunday evening. I'll check back in once it's light. Good Luck everyone!
Crazy morning, spooked 5-6 as soon as I stepped in the woods. Got up in my climber, dropped my range finder. Back down, then back up. Had a Doe come in at 30yds. Let her walk. No sign of Mr Big yet.
Good luck this morning VT, and everyone else out! I have a 930 doctor appointment at the VA, then I’ll be home to grab my gear and hit the road to the woods!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck guys. I work at a University that's well known for football and when we have a home game I have to work so know hunting for me this weekend.
Put scent out and climbed the tree a bit after 6. Had something come and sniff each one at 7:15. Could only see body. Just had a funky little spike with regular beams instead of straight up spikes come through. Hope it keeps up.
Feels like a good morning. Wind in my face. Cool but not cold. Loving this spot. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk