Y'all are killing it!!! Well done fellers! Might not get to hunt this weekend but after that it's no holds barred. We are getting to the magic time folks. Rutcation is just a heartbeat away Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Haha same did the same thing yesterday with 4 does... you can hear me comin 5 miles away through the dry leaves but 4 deer can sneak up to 30yds an not make a peep
Little 6 point just moved through. Not in a hurry to get anywhere. First buck of the year for me (except the dumb button I shot). Hoping for more.
On the road! Headed to the stand in NJ. My son got down there yesterday. He dropped this buck this morning! I'll be looking for antlers! Probs won't shoot any more Does, but ya never know. Itchy trigger finger ;-)
Safe travels! Congrats to your son, that’s awesome! I So need to get down there!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm seeing bucks but not the ONE. I hope I can hold out. Usually I shoot the first legal buck, I've already passed that up. Hmmm
Dude if you got a wrist strap release strap that sucker to your bow and put a back up in your backpack... lol that absolutely SUCKS when that happens but wont ever happen to me again cause i got 2 and one is iin my backpack lol Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Can we eventually watch the hunt somewhere?? Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app