Back in, been settled for about 10 minutes, have had some early doe movement recently and would be more than happy to put down a doe today
If he comes back I will going to wait a couple weeks to go back to the stand tho Sent from my iPhone using Forums
In the stand again hopin for a nanny doe.. and jus so all yall know these cheap stands are for the birds.. i do not like them at all scare me oh well il get use to it.. anyway good luck to everyone tonight Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I was just talking about that last night charles. Lol. Hunting farmland for a nanny tonight from the climber. Man it is more work climbing up than I remember. Experimental spot tonight. Seen 20 deer out in this field last night.
I wonder what kinda insurance policy you have to have to manufactor cheap treestand has to be at least 100m...
Holy crap. Well wind was wrong for my private land stands so I figured I'd try public land. Walked in to find a spot for my stand and see movement 60 yards away. Average doe. So I put the slow stalk on and get to 18 yards. She turns broadside and bam! I never would have thought in a millions years I could have pulled that off. I wasn't in the woods 5 minutes First day with first lite fusion camo. Twice she looked up at me and looked right through me. I'm sold.
Congrats! Not sure about your area but public in my area gets very little pressure. That might have played a key role for you. Great job.
Grundy County in IL. Our public land is very pressured. Especially on weekends. Luckily my days off are during the week.
Does all dressed and headed home. Only went 25 yards. Double lung and perfect heart shot. What do you guys use to post pics?