The buck I shot last night was full on chasing a doe in Chippewa county Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The bucks are horny for sure, but the Does aren’t coming into estrous yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Going back out to look this morning I never found a drop of blood yet Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ive got 2 doe wandering around and eating a harvested corn field out on front of me, theyre pretty far off right now
A doe and 2 fawns have just showed up across the creek, on the neighbors, eating leaves off of a downed tree.
Just a perfect morning, i see deer in neighbors field, everything is moving, no wind With stuff on its feet its just a matter of time
Haven't been on here in a while as personal life has been crazy for me the past few months...I did have some good luck last night and wanted to share with some of my brothers...congrats to those with deer on the ground and good luck to all fighting the good fight...keep sitting tough in those stands...its a good year for us deer hunters! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Havent seen anything in an hour and not sure how much longer i can hold this stomach gurgle off. Might be an early morning