I have a feeling that this is a 130” 10 Point that I missed last year when my oldest was in the blind with me. The buck walked the almost an identical path under almost identical conditions on October 17th last year. Hopefully, he will stay on this pattern. He had no clue we were there. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
The Z2 got it done tonight, sorry for the late post, but I was trying to hurry. Small yearling but meat is meat and still have more tags. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ended up being a great night for a first hunt with my middle boy. Saw 12 does and two bucks including the 150” 10 point and about a 115” 8 point that looked almost as wide as the 10. I am guessing father and son because most bucks on this property go high and tight with their racks. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Why is it that I can alreadt envision your trophy shot? Good luck with him, any other photos? His left side looks sick, can't tell if he has a gap between G1 and G2 or not. Thought it was his brow but now see a hint of G1
12 days, come the 28th I will not miss a weekend hunt until December unless I get it done sooner. Mother Natures grip has got to let up. Had the first overnight low below 40 last night, but I had to work today. Seems she likes to heat the oven on my days off, but come November hormones take over and she no longer matters. I have broadheads that need christened, and christened they will be.
Today’s the day boys! I’ve got enough confidence for today that I’m borrowing my parents truck instead of just taking my car like usual, don’t want to have to make 2 trips! 38 degrees with 4-5 mph winds in the right direction for a big boy to get an arrow! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just got set up after the half mile hike straight up the mountain, it’s 38 and clear out, feels like November almost. I’ve got about 45 minutes to an hour until light, the leaves are crunchy as can be. Ready for the big boy!!!!! Good luck to anyone else getting out, time to sit back and wait for light! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wish.... similar conditions here. its 32 degrees, and clear, should be a beauty of a sunrise. I know they will be moving for you today!! Stay frosty!! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be out Friday afternoon after my first doctor appointment at the VA, then I'll be doing an all day sit Saturday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can hear the last of the acorns dropping, every other stand I’ve hunted this year they have been done so maybe the deer will be moving through snacking this morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back in the stand this morning lets see what happens Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton FMJ 339 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting