My view through the trees is 80-100 yards when I'm in my stand. It always amazes me when deer just pop out from behind a tree at 20 or 30 yards and catches you off guard, and I have good eyesight.
Been using that stuff for years. Tie it off every 10 yards or so on the blood trail and if you loose the trail it provides a good reference to go back to.
Back in the tree. Had three does walk by when I was getting off the ATV. Gave them a few so they wouldn't get spooked then walked back in here. Pigs are squealing over by the creek. 71 degrees and still have pretty strong winds blowing. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting this afternoon.
Very windy. Acorns are falling all around. No deer yet. Had to walk threw a food plot to get to this stand it was loaded with deer sign.
Wind is finally dying down enough for me to be able to hear... now i just need deer Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
Just got in the tree. A little late due to work but but I've had a buck on cam in daylight the past few days at this spot. Small clover plot on the edge of overgrown field. The cool front is blowing in here now so I'm hoping that gets him moving Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Funny part is my family put the camera there for security, and that's a cam that I often seen big ones just walking to the bedding area. Cool anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
In the ground blind with my middle son for his first sit ever. Hoping for better luck than this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Tomorrow’s going to be the day guys! For some reason I got the idea to go get a new call and some non estrous pee, going to be tucked close to the bedding area, supposed to be 38 tomorrow morning! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just had a 150” 10 Point go by at 35 following a doe. Couldn’t get him to stop. In the ground blind with my middle son. Dang it! But he walked 20 yards from my treestand that I was in this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
You'll see him again I feel. Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton FMJ 339 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting
Ended up seeing a doe and a fawn. Nothing else was brave enough to show itself Sent from my iPhone using Forums