My arrow was clean when I found it. Just a few white hairs and specks of blood. Never hit a deer and seen an arrow so clean. I don’t think it was anything more than a flesh wound. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sounds like a flesh wound, that’s all you can hope for at this point. Bummer, but it’s happened to us all at some point! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
No. My brother drove by multiple times after that one instance and saw no sign of any scavengers. The soybeans have been cut and the farmer didn't find a carcass. My brother actually walked the perimeter of the property yesterday and saw nothing that would indicate that a deer carcass was in the area. I'm totally convinced now that the buck survived the encounter.
I have always used toilet paper, napkins, paper towels.. they will dissolve with time so I dont leave anything behind. White is easy to see as well.
I did this last year, makes it nice to look back and see the path they traveled Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back at it just got set up in stand 60 degrees best day we have had here in indiana so far this year.
Was 3/4 way up stand and had a doe go by at 60 yards. Did not see me. 55 degrees, light breeze. Perfect night to be in stand.
All set up where i seen a buck this morning. A little breezy but hopefully they move tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was supposed to sit in my new property tonight but i couldn't get the paper work from the lady i needed super disappointed, we have a 25 degree temp swing so I'm hunting a low percentage property, it's just too good not too sit though Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
Gotta love when you see deer while climbing and make it the rest of the way up and get your bow up without being seen.. #FeelLikeAhNinja
25 degrees cooler than yesterday. Breeze in my face. Morning rain has given way to partly sunny skies. Feels like a good day to be in the woods.
Back in the tree for this evening sit. Sitting in some mixed timber on the edge of about 200 acre of planted pines. It's about 67 degrees with a steady wind out of the north. The negative thing is I'm in a ladder stand with no cover. Oh well feels good to be in the stand this evening.