In for first sit sans kids. 50 degrees this morning, coolest of fall so far. Spooked one with the headlamp coming in but didn’t blow. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Got set up about an hour ago, seen a nice big 8 pointer on the drive in. Hopefully they move after the rain stops. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Spike just came by on their trail. Smelling and pacing around. Came by as close as 3 yds Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Man I wish I could be up in the stand this morning!!!!! Good luck to everyone that got out Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Man I can’t wait to be out in the stand tomorrow morning at this time instead of going to work!! Saw a fresh rub and scrape while hanging a stand downwind of doe bedding yesterday, I’m hoping a big boy will be checking the does tomorrow morning and get a muzzy through him!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
48 degrees this morning. Light wind out of the north. Saw a small suck with his right antler broke of on the way out this morning. In the tree waiting for daylight. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting this morning.
Jealous of all you. I'm boarding a plane to Philadelphia for work right now! I'll be back in the woods this weekend though. Skipped all last weekend due to the hot weather in Texas recently. Good luck to all those hunting this week!
42 degrees here. Been in a tree at 0650, daylight was 715 ish. Saw a buck next to corn field on the drive here about 1/4 from me. Nothing yet thou
Just took a shot at a doe. She acted hit, ran about 30 yards and stopped kind of wobbly. Stood there for five Minutes. Then ran about 40, stopped again stood there for a couple of minutes. Then trotted off out of sight. Going to give it another 30 or so before checking the arrow. Looked like she was limping with the left fromt leg. 10 yards, slightly quartering too. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Just seen this big body buck, on the other side of where I'm hunting. I know where I'll be setting up tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thinking about the shot, I think it was one lung/liver but that doesn’t explain the limping left leg. Entrance was on the right side. She wasn’t limping before I shot and her tail was tucked the whole time I saw her after the shot. Sent from my iPhone using Forums