Nothing for me. Will be back out for another full day hunt. Temp is going to be 39f in the AM so should have them moving.
Got busted by this buck on the way in I call him Mr.Crabs didn’t see anything the rest of the night but this guy is my number 1 target the rest of the yearhe was up walking at 2:30 in the afternoon WTHECK!!!! Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
Nothing dead but a great sit. Watched a fork horn in a food plot for about 30 minutes. 4 does came out and the fork horn starting chasing and working the does! I watched this for another 30 minutes and then I ran out of light! Cool sit! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ended seeing four does, a yearling, and button buck. Only thing that got close enough to shoot was the button buck. Then jumped three deer on my way out. Sigh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I went back to the farm I was at on Friday. The end of the field where I moved my blind is about 70 yards wide, and the deer were all giving my blind a pretty wide berth. Since we had a west wind this afternoon, I set my stand up in a patch of about 8 cottonwoods on the east side of the field in hopes of seeing the nice buck that was hanging out under them Friday. I knew it was pretty aggressive, because the buck seems to hang out in the willows to the east, but there was enough of a southern component to it that I was willing to chance it. Well, after I stopped counting does at 15, and knowing the land owner wants does taken, I decided to burn my last tag on a doe. A good size yearling popped out into the field, and when it got to 20 yards I came to full draw. It was behind a tree, so I held like that for at least a minute. Finally I had to let down, and it walked in to ten yards. With 20 minutes of shooting light left I sent the arrow through it, and watched it disappear about 30 yards away. I was pretty sure it was down. I waited a bit, and then got down to find my arrow. After having no success I went and got the keep and drove out to get my deer. It was right where I saw it disappear. I dragged it out in front of the Cherokee so I could field dress it. I was reminded at that point that a lone yearling doe in the middle of October is probably a button buck. Oh well, it will eat good. To top it off I had elk curry with rice when I got home. P.S. Shadow, that looked really good. I woul have responded from the stand, but I left my phone in the blind Friday, and it was dead when I found it this afternoon.
Nice looking buck. Congrats! Blessings...........Pastorjim Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I was hoping to get out this afternoon but I lost a brake pad on the truck. so tonight I get to play mechanic.
Rain just stopped. Deer all over the sides of the road today. Winds are picking up. Saw a slammer on the way in......that will probably translate to me not seeing a deer. Hahahaha Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Back at it again finally got a cool down 46 right now hoping they are on there feet. Plus they just cut the biggest corn field near me.
Good luck to everyone out this morning. Hope we see some blood this morning Sent from my iPhone using Forums