I'm out again this evening. Hunting from the ground for a change. Sitting in a cedar tree on the edge of a harvested soybean field. Judging by the tracks, it's been seeing a lot of traffic Sent from my VS500 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Trying an evening sit in the ground blind. Front came through and the wind just settled down. Got a rabbit feeding in the food plot and just heard a flock of speckled bellies fly over. Need some deer to move before dark. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting this evening.
A. He hugged a corner and snuck up on me had no idea he was here until 10 yrds away. He never presented a shot after that. Had I seen him coming I coulda had a chip shot. B. I have better bucks on this property and I need to be a little more selective. If I want to take another 135” buck off this property I will get another chance or two.
Checking in from south east Alabama. Just shot a hog. Hit a little too high little penetration arrow either came out or broke off. Hog ran out to 50 yards in some bushes paced back and forth. Then rustled around a bit out of site. Then may have went down in the swamp from the sound. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Winds are all over the place.. could get lucky and have it blowing in my favor I guess. Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk
This thread is a couple weeks from blowing up! ♧ Long live the hunt. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I did not find the hog. The shot was just too high probably above the spine. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Congrats man Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton FMJ 339 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting