Well that's it for me today. I'll be out again tomorrow morning, or tomorrow afternoon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sat with my boy in a big old cottonwood last night, and for the first time this year saw no deer in that field. Finished writing tests and making detailed lesson plans for my sub @ 1:45 am, and got out here at 6:30. Saw a lot of deer moving, but nothing close. I'm gonna go get the pup and look for some of those pheasants I heard this am. Will then head up to some private land about 1:00 if all goes well. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Wow what a week at work, and at home. Extremely stressful but come 3:30 I'm leaving the office and going to get in the tree pretty much be out the whole weekend. I need to put an arrow through something, so squirrels be warned lol congrats on all the kills the past week guys keep it up!!! November will be here before we know it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Leaving work at 1000 tonight so I can get up before work tomorrow and hunt. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Small rub line leading into some white oaks that are sparingly dropping. Big woods. Bring it. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Jumped a bedded buck on a point on way in. Hope that didn't blow my hunt. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Bumped mama doe and two fawns that were up and feeding. Popped around a ridge and she wasn't 15yards away. Spotted me and turned tail but didn't blow. It's early so we should be good.
Here I sit lonely hearted come for separation hoping for closeness. Back at it waiting doe or top 2 bucks only. No more misses
Is anybody else sitting in the middle of the afternoon because the Solunar tables said it was going to be the best chance for game? I've always hoped it was a little better than astrology, but never had any real faith in them. Maybe it's because Ed Zern's Exit Laughing column in field a d stream always made fun of them. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
I'm here for the evening sit. Check a camera yesterday and lots of does! So I'm on doe patrol tonight. Good luck tonight guys, may your kills be swift!
At it for an afternoon hunt. Not the best wind for this stand, but I am going to go for it. Won’t be able to get out for another week after today. All day soccer for my daughter tomorrow and no Sunday hunting in maine.
Out for the evening. I’ve had good luck from this stand with this wind in the past. Missed my only shot of the year at this guy. I’ve had dozens of other opportunities on small bucks and does since then but am waiting for this guy or another that was almost a replica with just a bit more mass. Also moved my game cam closer to my stand and swapped out chips. Then I hung 2 scrape drippers over my two mock scrapes. Hoping that as we approach the rut in the next two weeks I’ll have them on my trail a little more often. Trying out new camo too. Picked up some Lookout Fleece from Cabelas in O2 Octane at a great price. Love the pattern and materials but they really aren’t made for short fellas like myself. Wish me luck!