We bought our daughter a used car and the previous owner smoked. We left it run in her car for a week or so and it seemed to help a lot. I also bought the bag. Last light my clothes were wet and a little funky and I ran them thru the cycle before bed and when I got up and it seemed to help a lot. Winds keep changing this morning so don’t know how much it will help Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I've heard good things about them when they work, but a lot of people have complained about them not working shortly after buying. I bout the new boneview ozone dispenser and its been fantastic. It's only around $40-50 and you can throw it in a tote and not just have it in your vehicle. Can definitely smell the ozone too so it works great. Nothing but good reviews online as well.
Doe and button buck get a Pass at 15 yards. Turkeys all around also. Ground so wet can’t hear anything coming Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
When I can't hear anything because it's wet or really windy, I always leave the stand exhausted from being alert and scanning the entire time
I don't use the scent crusher, but opted for a cheaper ozone generator. I put it in an airtight tote with my clothes and it works really well. There are several different brands but in my opinion the ozone in general works. It has its own smell but it dissipates quickly. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I heard the same thing about scent crusher and ordered a none-hunting brand one from Amazon for $20. At less than half the price with way better reviews, it should be a better way to try ozone. Should be delivered today or tomorrow, hopefully by the end of the weekend I will know if it works.
Here we go. My first sit of the year......man how I have missed all of this! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
Got settled in about 25 minutes ago, cool evening hopefully they are moving Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got this last stand moves to a better spot. Rubs and scrapes everywhere. Time for my buddy to get it done. Good luck all!
All settled in for the night Forgot thermacell so should be interesting Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I almost forgot that I had a bald eagle land in the tree right above my head the last time I was out (Monday). Scared the crap out of me. Those wings made a serious "whoosh" sound. He came back a few minutes later and landed on the branch above my head again for a few seconds but came in from behind me. My nerves were not that of steel! I also got to see some does that appeared to be teaching their fawns how to swim. They kept going in and out of a shallow spot in the river and finally went in a little deeper area for a few seconds before coming back. The alternative explanation would be they were all playing. On a side note, I wish we could get more than one tag here in North Dakota. I could have shot several does every time I've been out and the last couple of times out I could have shot multiple smaller bucks each time as well. Maybe I should just take a lesson from my wife and lower my standards. I'll be out tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday if I don't tag out earlier. Highs in the 50's fri and sun and 40's sat. I'm thinking I'll have to go to my pack boots which makes me a little nervous climbing into my stand with those things. P.S. - I haven't seen either of my two shooters in a couple of weeks. Not sure if they moved on or went nocturnal. Going to pull my chip tomorrow and also add scent drippers above my mock scrapes. The bucks in my area have all left their bachelor groups and are roaming solo, usually not too far behind some does.
Just got in for my 2nd sit of the year. A little cool and overcast. Considering going back to the house for a brain bucket...acorns and hickory nuts dropping like crazy Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Frosted advisory for tonight!!! Hopefully it makes for a great hunt tomorrow morning! I'm really looking to see my first deer of the year, LOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back in my stand overlooking my little "plot" in my home place. It's not much but it'll do until I get a chance to hit the road again next weekend.