Ended up having three more come in right at the time I had determined I no longer had enough light to shoot. Only had to wait about 5 minutes before a big hog came in and moved them out. Lowered my bow and got up to climb down. Turned on my head light and got busted by one standing behind the tree I was in. The cold front that came in has them moving at least. Pulled the camera card on the way out. Three different bucks look like two 8's and a possible 10 on the camera and several does. Things are looking better. Yesterday and today was the first two days I have seen deer from the stand. Off to work tomorrow good luck to those lucky enough to be hunting.
Saw one doe on the other side of the creek. Then a bunch of squirrels. Almost had one dive bomb me lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You where wanting a new bow wernt you lol Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well I got dressed tonight and thought I would shoot my bow quick before heading out. Found out it was shooting 4 FEET to the right. Lost 2 arrows somewhere in the grass. So adjusted and realized my arrow rest wasn't quite right had a brush smashed. Went to tree. Wind was not how they predicted. So wrong for the stand I was in. Still sat doe walks out. Down wind of me. Ranged her at 20. Then she smelled me. So I went easy drawling back, got on her with branch on my way. Finally clean shot figured 35. CLEAN MISS RIGHT UNDER BELLY. So got down after little buck left. Went to town only thing I could find was whiker. Got bow sighted in using car headlight and house light be back in am.
Thats right... he'll show yet give it a couple more weeks... the buck I'm after anyway not saying a different bigger one wont show up but one after is a 8 point not very big but very mature. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I'd like to know too???? Cause i cant quite get my self to spend the money... i always change when i get to the lease but i just have a sealed tote that i have my scentlock clothes in, is it worth spending the money on?? Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Im not kennyg but ill tel you this about it, i work in chicken houses and get in an out of my pickup with chicken poop. Im also a lawn care and landscaper and climb in the truck sweating and stinky. Also any food smells that linger almost anything, jus plug it in and give it a lil time and smells will vanish, poof magic!! Well sort of.. farts not so mich meed to roll window down and baby diapers too.. But on a lil more serious not the thing does work and very well.. It will bother people tho if it's plugged in and ther not use to it, dries your nose out kinda funny like but i love mine!!!
Put it in leave it over night and when you climb in the morning after you will tell a difference it smells really fresh to me
Don't have a hard horn pic on my phone yet but my top 2 are these guys. Actually I have an 8 was 9 last year is super tall prolly 180s but ain't got his pic on here. I want the messed up one out of my gene pool.
Didn't see anything except a nice sunset Was not on my usual property so decided to mess around with fawn in distress call at the end of the night Anyone have any luck with that call this time of year in Minnesota?
Up in rogers, I scouted, gene rush, a the pig trail may scout wedington this weekend. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums