The one's that aren't clinically insane? Whatever they deem fruitful to be mad at? Premeditated anger with a purpose.
The establishment Dems are mad because the inmates are trying to take over the asylum. The establishment Repubs are mad because...the establishment Dems are letting it happen. They (GOP) don't like being in charge. They like to lead from behind. (Power in opposition.)
She called out a defense contractor for charging 1400+ for a 32 dollar part, my guess is someones back door deal got whacked, where was our president's? By presidents, I mean the past 3. Now my issue with the call out was motive. Her motive was not to save money for taxpayers, buy to fund her programs. I also love the one where she calls out a rule and the entire committee has no clue, nor does Trumps lemming. I know you have to fall in line, but I would prefer more congress who bucked the system, just ones a bit more centered in the head.
But Germ knew of this rule and sat eagerly awaiting for her to envoke it, catching everyone but themselves off guard. And then they laughed...... Finding excessive charges for cheap items isn't something new, hammers that cost hundreds of dollars have already made news headlines during, I believe, your King Obama's rule. I'm sure anyone can go through any itemized spending invoice and find such spent by or charged to government, local or federal. I'd even go so far as to suggest that AOC might even know what a Royale with cheese is.....
I should have said "Power in the APPEARANCE of opposition." If there's one thing the 45th Presidency has made crystal clear to me; the majority of GOP in Congress have no desire to serve anyone but Congress itself. That and maybe the Chamber of Commerce.
I sure wish anyone would go through the budget and get rid of the waste, that's the point. The waste is there but nobody is doing it unless it fits their motives, which is what I said. Lemmings are happy just walking inline I guess
I hope this is true...* the asterisk may be explained later.
I'm a budget hawk Germ but what constitutes "waste"? For someone like me that's anything other than national defense and....national defense. For someone like you? I'm not picking a fight; I am just illustrating the chasm of subjectivity that covers what one could reasonably consider to be budgetary largess.
Waste is waste to me regardless of department. I wish we could get more of the fiscal conservatives to stand up and point out instances like this one. My problem with AOC in this instances it's obvious it was to promote her programs and waste the money else where. Which is why I am hoping the fiscal conservatives take a stand. Being we have such a brilliant business man in charge I just figured he'd be the one catching companies fleecing our government, not a 29 year old socialist former bartender from NY. I have enjoyed watching clips of her, very entertaining. Thanks for acting like children in this thread, I would never know without it. Bash Trump - Check Took the high road - Check Lemming used - Not checked Only 2 out of 3 stars Yea she's pretty worried about spending cuts. As long as it doesn't hit her wallet anyway. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
because it's the President's job to do a line by line audit of the Federal Budget? it's fairly common knowledge that other than one Jeffrey Sessions, ESQ the President considers the biggest mistake of his term to be the signing of Paul Ryan's disgusting budget.
A $1200 hammer would not meet the line item tolerence anyway...but I digress...we did have the high road, lemming name calling... What was it that was missing... Beer... Must be beer.
Well, um, you know, if you like, um, increase the congressional pay, you essentially, sometimes, in an umm, well, way...... deter ummm,.... do you like ponies? My familia had ponies once, ummm, well, until we got hungry anyway. Do you like, think, that like Germ would approve a raise for congress? Umm, I mean, like, we are super smart, and one time, like last week, I found a $45 part charged, at like, oh my god, are you ready forz this? They charged over a thousand dollarz. I mean, that thousand dollarz could have went to like, me and my compadres..... Hold on... Last call, it's 3am people, last call, finish them drinks and head home..... Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, like them thousand dollarz could help keep us from turning to, like lobbyism. Oh my God, can you imagine me hanging out in a lobby all day? I hate foyers too, just give us more money yo.
Threatening to go rogue if she does not get her raise. She'll turn to dark money instead.. her words not mine, she is a member of Congress right? Give me a raise or I may take money from darth vader yo!