OMG a video clip of a play 5 years ago, if you really wanted to get under my skin you should have mention the sport I really care about, which is Michigan Basketball. Fact John Beilien has left has broke my heart. Juvenile and not creative, you can do better.
Well quit picking on the well intended socialist bartender, she is trying to change the world for the better.
The one thing this lady does is take on all comers. F it. She will rip into the Democratic establishment as fast as the Repubs. She might not know what the heck she is talking about, but at least she stands for something and doesn't live with the status quo. That being said, she is annoying as hell...and maybe that isn't a bad thing for DC politics to deal with these days.
To appease Germ, lets distract away from AOC for a bit. Our childish antics are so juvenile, it's almost lemonad.... err lemming like. Lets pick on Trump, who deserves no such decry...
So does a mad dog with rabies. It doesn't know why it's mad at the world and wants to kill everything it sees and it doesn't care.
She is literally an actress. She stands for nothing and "knows" less. All she does is parrot her talking points which are given to her by the JDs daily. When left alone to "pontificate" off script she makes inane videos bloviating about the wonders of garbage disposals. Seriously. To be proudly ignorant yet powerful is literally the worst thing one can be.
Yes. To impress people that know even less then her, and lead them on a merry chase. And you can be sure nothing is really her idea, she is just fired up for the publicity - a stage hog. In other words, an average politician ...