I thought Pocahontas was a gift, I never imagined we'd also have Crazy Horse just a short time later.
nobody posted her absolutely insanely retarded vid she posted today of her rambling on the floor about global warming whilst stuffing her mouth with popcorn? Talking with her mouth completely stuffed full?
I can't see anything wrong with her. A nice smiling face, high media presence, and a few "controversal" statements now and then. Everything a high-ranking politician needs nowadays. Dunno why this reminds me on Bush Jr. ...
not that one. These: (these are just a couple clips/topics...she rambled incoherently for god knows how long in a series of disjointed crackpot rants that had no seeming connection other than they are Prog talking points.) "like....uhhhh.....chomp chomp chomp....like income inequality.....chomp....is like.....chomp......bad and stuff......chomp chomp" Pinche puerca. Cara de caballo. I always thought she looks like she was raised in a barn; but her lack of manners proves it.
I fear the failure of the conservative movement during the next major election cycle will be the complete disregard for the underlying messaging and concerns of the other side. While AOC is clearly not the most eloquent politician we have, our dear President notwithstanding, she was elected to federal office by a large number of people. Regardless of her seemingly dim-wittedness, she represents a large group of people who are clearly dissatisfied with our current system and want to see real change. Oddly enough, it's not unlike the group of people who elected Donald Trump to be our President. Fed up with the status quo and looking for a change. Now her idea of change may be different than ours, but it doesn't change the fact that people like AOC and Bernie are gaining momentum. So now you have a bunch of, what the media would portray as, uptight middle-aged white republicans making jokes about her and dismissing her opinions which is only going to serve to make her stronger. That's why she was elected in the first place. So the more this type of thing happens, the stronger she gets. In a way, we're creating our own monster. You have to admit, it's a pretty amazing feat to go from waitressing tables to holding a federal office in the span of a year. If that doesn't send signals out that people are looking for a change, I don't know what does. Now carry on with the jokes. I do find them humorous.
she got just over 100k votes in one of the youngest most liberal districts in one of the most liberal states. She also did it with the monetary support of Saikat Chakrabarti, who was an acolyte of confirmed Nazi collaborator (read- puppet) Subhas Chandra Bose https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subhas_Chandra_Bose https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...-crush-on-hitler-toady-and-nazi-collaborator/ and also happens to be her apparent money laundering co-conspirator: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/...cheme-to-fund-her-campaign-fec-complaint-says Other than her choppers and complete lack of regard for history; the only thing that scares me about her is that she is so proudly dumb, and proudly dumb is the new normal for pretty much the majority of college-educated under 30 year olds. Facts do not matter to this crowd.
Yes, and more of that crowd is becoming politically and socially active. Yet, instead of attempting to educate or understand where their frustrations stem from, many simply make fun of them for being stupid and think that somehow the problem will go away.
Yep, this is the future of American politics if the RINOs don't pay attention to what their own people elected them to do. The discontent is simply becoming more obvious earlier with the political left than it is with the political right. The majority of people that lie somewhere in the middle of the two extremes are getting tired of both extremes and are underrepresented. This is sowing the seeds for radical change to the status quo. Both parties are leading themselves into a bad place. It is just being done slower by the political right than the left.
“We need to innovate and change our, our grain, uh, our, our cow grain from which you know they feed in these troughs. We need to look at regenerative agriculture. These are our solutions.”