Well, I finally got the deer boned out and meat is in the freezer. Gonna get a good amount of Jerky out of her. She weighed 110lbs field dressed, big old doe, especially for an Oklahoma deer. It was an awesome night in the woods. Like I said earlier, this was the first time getting to take my 7yr old son with me this year. We were set up in a 2 man ladder stand and he did great. We did bring the iPad along so he didn't die from boredom but it's all good. The doe came in to about 15yds and hung out right where there was a small tree in between us and her vitals. After my boy sneezed, she started to get a little spooky and turned to leave. She stopped and gave me a 20yd shot slightly quartering away. Got a clean pass-through and she only went 40yds. I heard her crash but we went and found my arrow and followed her blood trail until we found her. It was a great teaching moment that I didn't want to pass up. We paid our respects to the animal and said a little prayer thanking god for the opportunity to harvest one of his creatures and spend time together in the woods. He carried my bow while I drug her out, "helped" me load her in the truck, and held the flash light for me as I field dressed her. All in all, just a great night. Lifelong memories were made and you can't put a price on that if you ask me. Thanks for letting me share guys!
Getting ready to hit the road, and this wind won't friggen quit!! At least it's an OK direction. As mentioned, it's not as bad as rain. lol Looking forward to my first all day sit though, so we'll see what happens. I'll update when I get home tonight, as I don't don't mess with my phone while hunting.
good luck! foodplot, my buddy in KC is a member of Missouri whitetails and he has sent me pics of 4-5 over 200" killed in your state this year.
First morning sit of the year. Had a nice buck walk buy this spot on camera yesterday morning at 7:30. Good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I remember you talking about him. We were looking at their site on facebook last night. I'll have to dig a little more to see where they were all killed. Just remember, there are any big deer in Missouri. You need to go to Kansas, Iowa, or Illinois.
We discussed this last night.... no deer in Iowa. They have all been poisoned. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk