70 degrees and very windy. Should I stay in or should I go? Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Back in the blind in NJ. First day of a6 day hunt. Was here 10 min and a skipper doe came through. Let her walk. Looking for 1-2 bigger does but mainly a buck. Sun and wind in my face. 60 deg. Good day to be out. Weather is going to be 50's-30's Mon- Thurs. pre-Rut should be kicking in. Hopeful!!!
Going to have my 7 yr old with me this evening. Sitting in a 2 man ladder stand on a spot where I've been getting consistent does and fawns almost every evening. This will be his first time out with me this year, not sure who is more excited, him or me! Should be interesting, just hoping he gets to see something and maybe watch dad knock a doe down! Good luck to everybody this afternoon!
Well I obviously confused you guys, cause I wake up from my nap and I'm getting ripped on here, so here's what happened. I shot the buck right around 8, saw I hit far back and the arrow stayed in the deer. I sat in the blind about 30 minutes, then went to look for blood. I only looked for about 20 yards to get the general direction. Then I backed out and went to the truck. While I was waiting I went and checked my other camera and that was gone, so I went to the truck. Dropped my stuff off and started walking down the road to the landowners house. On the way my friend saw the blood from my deer. So we called the landowner and asked if we could have permission to go look for it on his property. He said yes, as long as he came with us. So I told him to meet me there around 2:30. While I waited I went and talked to the landowner about the thieves. Then I came back and took a nap. At 2 we went up to where I shot the deer and followed the blood all the way to the road, where we met the landowner. We walked about 15 yards and he was laying right there. So I didn't push him, I didn't mean to make it sound like I did. Hopefully this clears stuff up.
Too warm, too windy, forgot my thermocell so it's too buggy but I'm very greatful I got the invite and loving every second I'm out here in a treestand. Oh ya, too much standing corn ;-) Longdraw ###-----> Had a big doe walking past at 40 yards, got her stopped and let an arrow fly. No idea what happened: no blood, no arrow. So frustrating. I'm okay with a clear miss but I have no idea what happened.
Congrats!!! Good job on the recovery!! But just for future reference that's what happens when you leave everybody hanging and don't give all the information. It was confusing. Happy for you! Congrats again! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good job recovering the buck. I was confused as I'm sure the others were when you said your arrow was MIA. You never said it was still in the deer.
I'm headed out to the stand. Don't really feel like it with how warm it is but my gut is telling me to go. Here goes nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That shot isn't as far back as you made it sound, depending on angle of entry of course. Always best to caution on the side of error but if he was broadside and that's where I seen it hit I would have tracked after 30-45 minutes.
Thanks guys, he's not the biggest but with going to school and all these guys hunting around me and messing with my stuff, I had to take what I could get Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk