Saw a couple does this morning, no shot. Heading out for the afternoon, little windy but supposed to slow down. Beautiful day, good luck to all!
I had lots of activity this morning. Had a doe and triplets come by, then the lone doe that I took. When she came in It looked like another doe following her, quickly realized it was a little spike and he was grunting away, running now and then to keep up. The chase is on!!
Back in the stand I sat in Wednesday night. Some pre rut signs this morning so let's hope it keeps up! Good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All set up in my favorite spot 2 miles back on a big piece of public. Scrapes everywhere and got a perfect wind. Sitting a very active scrape line. Lets do this! And as always, Go Cubs!
Beautiful looking spot! You Minnesota guys could make postcards out of the places you hunt! Good luck to everybody this evening
Thank you! I live in the suburbs of Minneapolis and lucky enough to have relatives with nice chunks of land in western Wisconsin about 75 miles away, so that's where I do my hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Frustrating afternoon. As I was headed in I spotted the neighbor trespassing on his 4 wheeler looking for his dog. He drove the entire wood line yelling for his damn dog. I went and approached him and he seemed to think it was ok to tresspass because "he was looking for his dog" after a few choice words, he drove off screaming at me. Just hoping it was early enough that the deer still move before dark. Good luck everyone!
Must be nice to get blowed in the tree stand. Several times to boot, whoa! I usually don't get blowed until I get home from the hunt!
Out for an evening hunt. Boys said little bucks are chasing the does hope they bring one in tonight. Traded tonight for date with wife tommorrow man it's hard to give in lol. Good luck everyone. This is my view tonight
Been setup and ready for half hour now. 49 degrees and cold wind from the north. Been getting basket 8's during shooting hours last 4 days on cam. Feel lucky tonight.
No deer yet but there's four owls all talking like crazy pretty awesome listening to them! Only thing better is thunderous gobbles after an owl hoot!