Not to beat a dead horse but I used to really beat myself up for not finding deer. These days I put a ton of effort into finding the deer then afterwards I have to keep forging ahead without dwelling too hard on it. Just take the lesson learned and keep it moving.
Good news and this never happens to me. All my felony cases have been continued to next court day. I should be able to leave work by 1130 and hit the woods to find that dpe tomorrow. If those cases weren't cancelled I may not have the time. What luck.
I slipped an arrow behind a shoulder last week, had crazy good blood for over 600 or so yards and deer still wasn't found. Weird things happen some times.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Brett that buck I shot a few years ago in North Dakota that was quartering away and looked for sure was going to die on video ended up only getting one lung. We walked for hours the next day to the point I lost skin off my calf from my boot. I felt like **** and never found him. A few weeks later we figured out why when he showed back up on trail camera. Those tough SOB's can live with one lung. Good luck looking, I hope you find her but it is possible she is still alive with one lung.
Happens to all of us. Although I haven't lost a deer yet (been bow hunting 4 years)... I know it will eventually happen. We can't all be like the guy who shoots grim reapers and guarantees a 100% recovery rate (can't remember his username). I don't know you personally but from what I've read on here... I know you have done, and will do your best to find that deer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Brett that looks like a liver hit to me, but I'm not there to see it in person. They can die in 5 minutes or 3-4 hours with a liver hit. Any bubbles in the blood on the arrow?
I watched a doe and 2 fawns walk 300 yards from the thick cover on the side of the hill and end up in the field 25 yards from my blind. It took about 1.5 hours. We played peekaboo for about 15 minutes from 45 yards and closer and I never had an opportunity to draw before they took off. At least one set of eyes was on me at all times. Frustrating, but it was a cool experience for sure. I probably should have just chanced it and came to full draw anyway.
Looks like everything you hope for when you pick up an arrow....good luck tomorrow Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk