Nothing so far, just looked at SD card and barely any pictures during the day this week. Not really sure what's going on, but there are turkeys that come through every morning, so I'll try and get one of those.
Well that's it for me. Got skunked today. Great morning to be out though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gonna sit till 11:00 but it ain't looking good so far. Apparently the deer didn't get the memo that a cold front came through and they should be moving! Dumb deer.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing Jim!! It poured all day yesterday, the pouring rain stopped around 9 o'clock last night. And I think they were out feeding all night long and bedded down before sunrise Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Was able to get into my stand by 5:45am, very quietly thanks to a low cost Craigslist hang on stand versus giant Summit Viper climber. Also wasn't as hot - might also be due to the 39 degrees . Didn't see a thing for the whole morning - when I checked the trail camera before I headed out I had a HUGE doe on it at 7:25pm last night. So I'm thinking my spot may be an evening action spot. Thoughts? Bowtech Carbon Knight 29DL 62DW Single Pin Peep Site
Should be on point to get up in a stand tomorrow finally after missing the chance last week with family emergency. Everything's good and I'm hoping to also get a ground blind in another spot for evening hunts. I've seen a few big bruisers in that area but no trees near by where i can affix myself.
Seen two does and one really nice buck this morning. Checked cards and my number 1 buck has claimed this clearcut his territory. Got pics of him at all locations. as of last night he was still hanging around. Time to be patient and have good luck!
Set up in a little cover/terrain pinch near bedding a acorns. Temps dropping as a cold front is pushing in over night.
Was hoping to get out tonight but it's a no go, got to go to dinner with the wife and daughter. Good luck tonight fellas