Ha, sounds like my dad. Anyway I'm set up but was hoping to find a new tree for my climber, i couldn't do i went to my old spot, should i move when i can see a little better or sick it out today and find a new spot when i leave for next time?
Just finished a 12 headed home to sleep. Truck reading 44deg here in S WI wishin I was in a tree. Good luck to everyone in a tree should be a good one!
Getting ready to head out. Have a couple of hours to hunt this morning. Good Luck to all that are headed out!!
I would personally wait and pick a stand after you hunt. I guess it depends on when you expect the deer to show up. If it's not until 9:30-10 then you might be ok to pick another spot after its light Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Probably damned if you do damned if you don't situation,if you do move, you are gonna spook a deer, if you don't a deer will walk right by where you were gonna move.....at least that is how my luck usually runs.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In the stand on a chilly Ohio morning, coldest it's been all year. Sitting with my buddy on his family farm, he's got bow in hand and itching to get his first deer with a bow. On a small piece of land with only a couple deer so chances are slim, but we will see what happens. Going to my land tonight in search of a buck.
Holy $***! A Barred Owl almost landed on me. Glad I didn't decide to take a nap once I got to the stand. My heart is still skipping.
That worked out well for me. It ended up being 3 does. I lost sight of the so I turned around real slow in my seat. 20 yds, there one was looking at me. I froze. She jumped and ran about 10 yds. The other 2 does caught up to her. They fought a little. Looks like they forgot about me.
Just caught a glimpse of a deer in the next field over.. first deer I have seen from stand this year. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
It's 41 and I now know I should have dressed a little warmer..... Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
8:30 ish this morning. Have some things to do. Usually depends on how the deer are moving. If it was up to squirrel movement I'd be here all day!