Hello from a tree in Kentucky....it's a little warm here but I love it anyway I'd hunt if it were 90 out just love this time of year
Nailed one guys, 0610 this morning, 18 yd broadside shot, ran 35 yds, heard her crash. Opening day in NJ, meat in the free, time to look for horns!!
Alright just set up, still hot hear but a nice breeze and some clouds. Just hope the deer do the same thing as last night
1700 set up, in the ground blind near the Muscenectong River. 92 deg, overcast. Hoping the deer move to water late in the day.
It's 55 here this morning. Still 4 days till the opener here in MO. Good luck to everyone that is at it this beautiful morning!!
81deg in West Central NJ. Excellent wind today, scentlok covered too. In a stand that I usually morning hunt but going to try it this afternoon. This section gets shaded first and has a trail that goes from the top of the hill to the river behind me that runs right next to my stand. So hopefully a racket walks by the stand. Got my earn a buck doe yesterday so I'm looking for meat in the freezer and horns today.
First live from the stand post!!!! I've been out the past two days here in NC, it's been brutally hot. The farm I was hunting has no reception so I haven't been able to post hunting a different farm this morning it's a little cooler and a storm came through last night, sitting in the corner of the woods where a soybean field corn field and crp field all meet, I'm about 100 yards from the swamp hoping for a good morning good luck to all!!
Nothing yesterday afternoon. Didn't see a deer. Back in the same stand this morning. It's always been a good morning stand. Guess we will see. 50deg, no wind, been sitting here for 45 min in the dark. It's shooting time now 0615 hrs. Nothing near the stand except birds. My son and his girlfriend also harvested a doe so we are all looking for antlers in NJ earn a buck early archery. Hope everyone has a great day. Nice to have someone else out here alenhard15. Been 90's here, very hot but we have been managing to kill deer. Much cooler here this AM too. Good luck in NC this morning.