Well, that's a first. Today's walking produced a button. Yes, a button. I saw the pedicle, and I couldn't believe it when I picked it up. Oh well, maybe the big boys are still holding. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Had an 8 does come by after the rain broke. Nothing close enough for a shot. My son is a trooper it absolutely poured and he never once complained or asked to go home. Even after the blind started leaking a little. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Just getting settled in. Hoping for a good sit. I'm set up downwind of swim up bar and buffet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ohio bucks are shedding!!! Had a buddy shoot a big doe turned out to be a shed buck get out there and get Hubting for those antlers Mike4christ
In the stand now, temps are high but hopefully the deer will still move towards evening. Your friendly neighborhood Bow Hunter
Arkansas archery runs until the end of February. Not sure how much more I will be able to go now that grad school semesterhas started, but I have three doe tags left if I can find the time. Good luck to the other late seasoners still going. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Definently!!!!! Can't wait to get out again and try for that last late season deer! Who knows might get my first buck under my belt this season lol Mike4christ
Out in the stand again. Trying out a new stand location. Let's see our it turns out. Your friendly neighborhood Bow Hunter Shed Hunting Team 3 Excalibur Phoenix Carbon Express 380 grains Rage Hypodermic 125 grains
Saw two what a assume is were two does, one could have been a buck that shedded. Anyways they would not come to within bow range. They just ignored my primos roar grunt tube set to a doe geunt. Oh well I'll be out again next wendsday. Your friendly neighborhood Bow Hunter Shed Hunting Team 3 Excalibur Phoenix Carbon Express 380 grains Rage Hypodermic 125 grains
Well it wasn't really from a stand so much as it was from my deck while letting the dog out... 20 yard shot and used my whitetail arrow setup.