I've had a good day scouting so far. It's early yet, but I picked up the first drop of the year. I saw 4 bucks while walking, and all had both sides. I also found a couple small dead ones. Not a bad start though. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
You must have one heck of a place to hunt if you saw 4 bucks while just walking around right after the season long pressure. Good stuff. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well, trying to make the decision on whether to go this evening or not. It's the last day of the season and I had planned on taking my 7yr old out with me, but it's cold (mid 30's) and wet. Been raining all day and looks like it's going to continue through this evening and into the night. I can handle it but not sure about getting him out in it. I've got an ameristep ground blind all set up so we could keep pretty dry I think and I could always take my little propane heater. Decisions...decisions...
Thanks FP! It's raining here but not very hard. It's cold outside but we are pretty comfortable with my Buddy heater going. I don't really expect to have any luck tonight but this hunt is more about spending some quality time with my son in the great outdoors.
hope shane doesn't forget to lock the gate on the fence at the deer pen when he leaves. haha just kidding! nice find for sure!
No luck tonight but we still had fun. My season is officially over. It was a good year, kicking myself now for passing on a couple decent bucks back in October but that's how it goes. Time to start prepping for next season!
He will be 8 next month. He went with me once last year and 3 times this year. I haven't pushed it with him, last year he could care less but this year he was much more interested in hunting with Dad. He's still a couple of years away from actually hunting with some sort of weapon but I'm just enjoying teaching him and letting him get a taste of what hunting and the outdoors is all about. He was with me earlier this season when I shot a doe and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He got to help me track the deer, held the flashlight as I field dressed her, & helped load her in the truck. Some of my favorite memories are times deer hunting with my dad as a kid. Just trying to make memories like that for my son and I will do the same with his little brother when he is old enough. Every kid is different and maturity level has more to do with knowing if they are ready or not, IMO.
Great stuff. My son turns 5 soon. And asks about hunting and asks to go with me. I was thinking sometime around 8 or 9 also. Thanks for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Any time is a good time might be shorter sits and in a blind but if they want to go get there feet wet imo
Thanks guys been a good season here in il. Season over. I seen a lot a doe in freezer even tho I didn't shoot her. This was first post I stayed with and funny seen all that was posted thanks for a fun season. I'll follow for others still hunting and hope we meet here again next season. Good luck guys be safe
Instead of hunting today since we had off school I decided to take the girlfriend to Cabelas for the first time, and surprisingly she enjoyed it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sitting in the ground blind with my son. The rain is pouring. It should clear out in bout 30 minutes. Hoping this turns into a hot last hour of daylight. Still trying to get it done when he is with me. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums