Well break in the weather going to use breeze in favor from brush piles little to breezy for me in a stand got till Sunday bumped 20 does out from behind my house on walk in all a waving lol hope they come to me good luck if anyone is out
Checked cameras man does have hit food plot hard. Only two med. size buck on there. Went and did sit in a stand that I set for my son does grazin 90 yds out then a pair of bucks came out one missing half of rack just hung out by fence till dark. Only 5 days left of season and craze weather may add to a good ending for seaso
I was hoping to get my truck fixed this morning to get out this evening but that didn't happen. Next day is saturday for me. Kill'em and grill'em guys. Your friendly neighborhood Bow Hunter
I'll be getting after it tomorrow evening. I'm more than excited to get back in the woods after more than a month of not hunting due to work and family obligations. Also, excited because this will be my first time hunting this property. The landowner's son and his friend hunt it during rifle season but he gave me permission to bowhunt after they were done and gun season ended. It's 320 acres with a creek running right through the middle of the property with some CRP grass and winter wheat on both sides of the creek. Not much timber, so it's mainly a travel route for deer moving along the creek. I drive by this property everyday while working and saw a really nice buck cruising through there mid November during the rut, but I really have no idea what the place holds. Hung a camera over some corn and set up a ground blind today in what should be a good spot for the wind the next few days. Going in blind for the most part but still pretty pumped just to get back out. Can't kill one sitting at home eating cheetos.
Wish could get there today have to wait till Friday afternoon or the weekend got a new group of colts to start so one may say I'm just horsing around lolfirst ride. Good luck who may get out Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
The worst part of my job horsing around I can look out the window and see one of the ground blinds across the pasture and wishing I was there
Back in the stand for what might be my last sit of the season. Weather is going down hill from here. Good Luck everyone! It has been a great season!
For the first time in over a month I'm actually live from the stand/blind. Big storms with freezing rain & ice coming in late tonight and going to hang around all weekend. We'll see if the deer are up on there feet and happen to come by my setup. Not expecting much but you never know. First time hunting this property so fingers crossed. Good luck FP and anyone else out
It was a really good night! Ended up seeing about 8 does/fawns and 5 bucks. Only problem is that none of the bucks were the one I'm after. They came out just before dark. I ended hung up in the stand until 6:20 pm.
Nice buck I was suprized too my buck I shot on the 6th his rack wasn't even loose I love shooting deer in the snow there's nothing better always been my bucket list Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Good day of scouting so far and the coolest thing I've found was a grave of a guy who fought in the Revolutionary War as a Colonel in the Stafford, VA militia. Patriot.