I'm back on stand for the evening. Just set up in a known buck bedding area, about 100 yards from them and close to a doe bedding. Lots of rubs heading into this area, definitely a buck has been in here. Very thick and won't see the deer til they are on top of me. Good luck anyone that's out this evening! Sent from my SM-G900V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Just got set up in thebclimber should be a good night someone needs to get a kill here soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anything goes tonight! Doe, buck, coyotes it doesn't matter! Sent from my SM-G900V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
all I got here was 18" of snow and counting in less than 12 hrs. tired of it already. 4" more coming tomorrow. deer are hunkered down and not moving until this moves through. last day for the orange army tomorrow.
Going out in the morning going to be a cold 27 degrees, should have the deer up on their feet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was a bust tonight on deer, but did go back to cabin and had a few with the boys! So it was a good evening!
Wind switched on us this afternoon and was busted by 3 does , back out on the morning, going to be 6 degrees, going to be a cold one!
I think some deer will drop today, I'm all set up in between the field and where I think they bed should be a good morning bumped one on my way in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was supposed to be going out this morning for the first real hunt since the week before thanksgiving, but got called in to to work. Hopefully next week sometime
In a tree, thermometer says 16 degrees , I practiced in the cold yesterday from elevation with gloves, let's hope I get to see if it did any good.
Been in the stand since an hour before shooting time. Quiet so far. Just turned shooting time. New tracks in the brassica, looks like they were here overnight. Hopefully they come back. 14 deg light wind,about 8" of snow on the ground.