Well nothing from the marsh tonight, might get after them in the morning we'll see, if not I'll be out tomorrow afternoon for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just went to my buddy's farm, only had about 1.5 hours, didn't see anything. Going to my property with my dad tommorow to try to get a doe, or hopefully he shoots a buck. Really want to get some jerky Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least you know and at least you learned Sent from my SM-G920V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
After shooting a little button buck with it, I've been thinking about going back to open sights. If I had a lot of long range opportunities I wouldn't mind the scope. Most of my shots come within 25yds and between the parallax and not being able to see the whole target at close range it really is somewhat cumbersome. If I could ever convince myself to sell a gun I'd sell it and the 870, but I don't sell guns
Set up on the edge of some hardwoods and 7-8 year old clearcut this AM. I just went and picked a treenext to some white oaks and set up. Good luck to everyone in the stand this morning Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk
good luck to all that are out. I had high hopes of going but looks like i'll work today and take off Monday.
Sorry for your loss FP. Sounds like she lived a full life! I am back out over some standing corn. First sit in over a week, have no idea what they are up to! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
FP I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Im in the woods today, was planning on taking the climber in to a spot deeper in the woods but I was an hour late getting here so I snuck into my buddies permanent stand which is closer to where I park. Good luck to all!
Live from Wisconsin. Only thing I don't like about it here is all the packer fans. There's a good one that's been on cam here in the daylight twice in the last 5 days. Should be a good sit. Good luck everyone Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
This is awesome. It's 6:43 A.M. And I'm watching my neighbor get into his stand as I type this. Yes, I did say it's 6:45 am. It's broad freaking daylight people. But wait it gets better. There's does right here spooked as hell. He proceeds to light his scent wick and bump his way into the stand. Yes, a scent wick. Yes, right now. How far from my stand you ask? Well, according to my rangefinder, 39 yards. Please disregard my last post. This blows. Now he's hacking up a lung too. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Oh good. The wind is in my face and I can smell his scent wick. You would think I'm on public land. At least those people have some common sense. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Saw a doe run past in a field about 75 yards away, there was no stopping her. Other than that, it's slow, only a couple of shots this morning around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is because back in 1993 this guy used a scent wick when he killed that big one so he has to keep using it because it works....lol