There has been more movement since Friday through last night than I witnessed all week before Friday.
How much do tracking dogs cost? If I can get info to the logging company Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree. That one pic with bubbles is definitely lung blood. Maybe just one lung possibly. Don't give up. Not sure on the price of a dog. I've heard different stories. I've heard $100-$500 depending on how far they have to travel. It's usually a fee and then so much per mile for travel.
Why would a logging company care if you try to find your deer on their land? Liability? Unless there's a fence, I'd go in there and find that deer! I'm pretty sure he's dead!
Yea that was my first thought but while we were on ur way out I saw a ton of posted violators will be prosecuted and signs like that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When in doubt call your local Conservation Officer or DNR. They can either give you permission or might know who to contact. Me, if I don't hear chainsaws or heavy equipment I continue on. Trying to find out the number to an unknown logging outfit is a daunting task. If I hear or run into someone I would approach and explain the situation. If they want me off their land at that point that is heir perrogative and I would honor it. Might call the DNR for assistance in the instance you have wonton waste laws(just oassed here in IL).
I don't have a problem with myself going on there because I would explain the situation but idt a dog tracker would be okay going without permission Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Check water sources might be a liver/lung shot they will likely lay in a creek if it is a liver shot. Good luck man!
You could go by the tax accessor for that county and show them on a map where the property is and they will tell you who is paying the taxes and possibly and phone number.
Yes trying to get permission to be on that land with a tracking dog Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would call the dnr, and ask for game warden assistance on the matter. Just tell them the situation and they should be able to help. If you dont want to goto the county for more information, download the ap OnX Hunt......has up to date info on all area land ownership, and you may be able to use that info. To aquire another number.