Heading out in here in about 15 minutes, can't wait to get on the trail pictures soon to come!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck all. Sitting all day today. Had a doe go by just before shooting time. Beautiful day here in IL.
You guys still seeing bucks moving hard? If you are I might just suffer tomorrow and sleep 3 hrs after work, then get a few hrs of afternoon hunting.
Just missed a monster! I currently hate myself lol hoping and staying optimistic he circles me and comes back
Uh trailed blood mostly pin drops some getting to quarter sized for 600 yards at least, wasn't too hard lost it once or twice then we found the arrow with what appears to be a blood clot on it. So we were thinking oh yea now he's gonna really open up. Found two quarter sized drops after that about 20 yards apart. Kept following out every trail we could find, circled back everything. Now I'm starting to think maybe it was just a brisket hit? And that what looked like bubbly blood last night was just his first attempt to clot? I don't know, this sucks so much. What do you guys think? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think hes dead somewhere maybe try and find more blood on end of trail. Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk
Crossed over the property line, probably shouldn't have but the neighboring property is a logging company and can't find contact info on them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is a lot of penetration and with that final blood pic you got single lung at least. There is a dead deer out there somewhere....