Figured with the movement I had last night, then again this morning and getting down to 26° tonight, that the deer would be moving by now.
I haven't seen anything. The wind is a steady 15 to 20 mph though? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just took a shot at a coyote and missed. I'm afraid that decision is going to cost me an arrow and broadhead with nothing to show for it.
Well our hunt got cut short, one of our buddy's shot his first deer so I had to go show him how to field dress it, on the way to the processor now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dad was out this evening didn't see anything with the 20mph winds, getting excited for the morning, going to drop 40 degrees by morning, better have them moving. I'm torn between sitting in a stand where I haven't seen deer but they are always on camera, only a handful of times during daylight. Or where I put my climber tonight, good amount of tracks and sign but soft soil so not entirely sure how fresh and don't know if it's morning or evening spot but I'm leaning towards that one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Where are you in Illinois? I haven't heard anything out of my Illinois friends as well.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great buck pitman, way to really make it challenge with those open sights.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would say that the wind messed it up last two days for most part. Last night I saw 2, big buck locked on a doe. Although tonight it really opened up. Saw the same big buck with doe, then 5 or 6 doe also with a nice young buck. He was either a big 6 or a decent 8. My buddy also went and got out of truck and 4 deer were standing 50 yards from truck, 2 does a small 8 that he shot and what he said was a monster. We've been hearing decent amount of shots but usually right after sun up and before sun down. (surprising I know ha) But they see to be getting on their feet around here. Big boys seem to be locked on a doe but the one I saw tonight was alone but a doe was about 5 or 10 mins behind him. I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow. Btw that's in Adams county
Snowed yesterday in Minnesota and it is still stuck to the ground, headed out in the morning to road trip with 3 family members to Duluth , Iv heard the rut is on hard up there and also heard its not, so we shall see, good luck everyone!
I had a pretty bumpy sit due to wind tonight. I did end up seeing 4 does and another deer that I couldn't tell. I will be back at it in the morning. Temps start off the day at 28 with little wind! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The winds are supposed to go down tonight. I'm betting several deer will drop tomorrow BowHunters Only
So north of monmouth then? I hunt just outside of Burlington Iowa if you know where that is. Live in SE Iowa in keokuk just across from Hamilton Illinois/Hancock county... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haha! Thanks guys! It was a really cool hunt. I like to bow hunt for the challenge and its not the same but hunting with a handgun puts a little of that in the hunt for me. Thats the fastest I ever had one expire with a gun or bow.. never hit one like that before. I have hit the heart on multiple occasions but never actually hit the heart heart on this buck.. it hit the arteries that connect to the heart and almost totally severed them off. He was lights out in a matter of a few seconds. I will be back at it with the bow for my 2nd buck tag and it will be a big boy or nothing!
Headed out in a bit. Joining the orange army. Still a little windy here. Good Luck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk