IMO, the bucks are our cruising again where I'm at. Last night the mature does all had their fawns back with them. Even seen one doe come out of the bedding area and call her fawns back to her. The three bucks I've seen today area all on the move. The decent one I seen last night stopped by to get a bite to eat and kept moving.
Awesome, nice shot and congrats! Such a shame about this wind. With the temp drop, today could have been great. But these winds really got em hunkered down. I tried but I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Thanks for the info! Good luck! Pitman, good shot and congrats Nice buck!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice pitman!!! Dad and I were out this morning it was warm he had one come through before light, I had nothing, he's gonna sit this evening I have to do some homework, windy and warm today gonna be about a 30 degree drop tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's what it's all about... my little man was happy. He was a little upset we didn't get to track it tho... I'll have to try and not shoot them so good next time lol Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
My son and I are out. Little on the windy side but his first sit all year. Hope he gets it done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All set for the evening, holy windy though! Gonna get that sea sick feeling for sure. Hoping one comes by for my buddy
Youth gun season in Ohio, still trying to get his first with a bow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All set up. Trying a different stand tonight. The does are starting to look for me in my favorite stand. I though they were gone last night when I climbed down. Nope, they had walked just far enough that I couldn't see them from the tree. When I got down, there they were watching me. Time for a curve ball. Good luck everyone!
giving it a last hoorah. cant hunt tomorrow, gotta get back home. This wing is still absolutely ridiculous. No one is shooting, my text lines with all my buddies are dead. maybe only 2 nice bucks and a few other deer taken. Guess they gotta win sometimes too!
congrats pitman! just got caught up on reading all the posts. I've been getting things put away before the blizzard tonight. supposed to get a foot of the white crap.
Everyone around here (west central Illinois) that gun hunts are not seeing much movement. The wind has been ridiculous the past two days. BowHunters Only