Just had 4 does at 17 yards and then my 8 point came up the hill but would only get to 52 yards. Adrenaline is pumping now!!!!
huge muley buck at twenty yards in thick thick brush, couldn't get a shot. Started moving slowly to get into position to get a shot and a coyote pops up over the next ridge.... Bye bye buck... Then the coyote took off the other way... No kills this morning in NE Montana. Glassing for the next big buck on top of the ridge.
Nothing to report but chipmunks, squirrels and a kestrel almost landed on me.... still better than being at work
Sitting in a bean field that I normally would stay clear from cause it's almost all yellow but I've been seeing deer in it and it's the only stand that's got a good wind this evening. Figure I got more of a chance here than sitting in the house
On stand. First time in several seasons where I have white acorns dropping from several tress by me. Hope a big gun comes into feed. Brought my buddy with me. He started hunting 3 years ago. Has taken two deer with his bow...hoping he takes a decent buck this year.
Good luck! You have good conditions, unless that wind direction is screwing you up? My white oaks didn't drop at all this season, none of them. They're usually every other year, but not this time. I guess I'm waiting for a third year.
Fixing to head back out in a few minutes. Going to a new set that I have not hunted in years...hoping for the best..
Very very poor acorn crop in the Midwest and north this year...we had a freeze after some nice weather when the tress were flowering, saying it killed a lot of the acorn crop... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All settled in for my first hunt out of the new tripod stand I put up this year and of course I forgot the cushion back at the house. Oh well still a great afternoon in the woods.
Back in stand for last time until at least next weekend, maybe 2? Hoping for something to walk by!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk